Saturday, March 29, 2014

台灣亂源 = TruelyVeryBullShit (TVBS) + 東森 + 中天 + 中視

左邊這照片,TruelyVeryBullShit 的告示。牠們還在裝傻!學生們對統支媒體的不滿難道只肇因於一則新聞?統媒不是專業到只會在網路上找新聞?怎會不知從90年代網路蓬勃發展以來,網路上對統支媒體不滿的聲音一直存在?

Sunday, March 9, 2014








Wednesday, March 5, 2014

People make mistakes, and always will.

I've noticed it long time ago that some people have never said they're sorry. They've never apologized for their mistakes causing others to suffer physical or mental pain. Those people I met in each of my life stages all share the same value, the same Chinese value. Not a single one is an exception. They consider themselves the center of the universe, and the world shall circle around them, which is a dangerous idea that would drive a human to become a monster eventually.

We human beings are born sinners. We make mistakes, and always will. There's nothing to "lose face", when we have to admit to our failure. If you can't face your mistakes, you will never learn and grow to be a better man.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


It's difficult to describe something precisely in Chinese. For example, how can I translate this sentence into Chinese "If connection is open, then close it." It's a simple sentence in English, but not as simple in Chinese. It's not easy to express its precise status in Chinese language. One would probably say "若連線中,則中斷連線。". Here is the problem. "連線中" doesn't necessarily mean "the connection is open". It can also describe the status "trying to connect". Furthermore, if we translate it into "若已連線,則中斷連線。" instead, "已連線" can also have other meanings. It maybe means "The connection has once established (but no longer exists)."

One of "many" flaws of the Chinese language is that it doesn't have a specific form to distinguish nouns from verbs. In my opinion, Chinese language is actually a curse from the ancient Chinese, tormenting their own descendents generation by generation and making them extremely retarded. Ironically, most of Chinese people are so proud of their backward language. They are stupid enough to be unaware of what makes them so incompetent.